Capsule Wardrobe for Summer 2024

capsule wardrobe for summer 2024, capsule wardrobe inspiration

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School’s almost out which means one thing: Summer! With the recent high temps in Chicago, it made me think about building a capsule wardrobe for Summer 2024. With capsule wardrobes, getting dressed is just simpler in every way. Because you purchase the items intentionally, you likely have 2-3 ways to wear it in your head already. Whether you’re looking to get dressed quicker, feel more confident in your clothing, or simply living with limited storage space, capsule wardrobes can be a life saver.

Capsule wardrobes embrace minimalism without sacrificing style. No longer must you second-guess your outfit. No longer are you scrambling to find a top to match those new trousers. For true minimalists, the same trousers may even grace each season’s capsule. While I will never call myself a minimalist when it comes to fashion, I do love the concept of capsule wardrobes. It helps me be sure I’m being intentional with my purchases. So many of us have full closets but feel like we have nothing to wear. This can help us be more intentional and use one piece in several looks!

While you’re reading and shopping from my recommendations, remember there’s no one-size-fits-all formula! My capsule may differ vastly from yours, reflecting our personal preferences, lifestyle and even body shape and size. For example, the vest trend is really popular right now and one person my want the black, v-neck option while another may prefer a bright bright with a square neckline. 

If you want to learn a bit more about creating a capsule wardrobe for Summer 2024, check out this blog post from fall with a few of my tips! 














  • I am very interested in ​​building a capsule wardrobe for summer 2024. Owning a capsule wardrobe makes choosing daily outfits simpler and helps me combine Many different ways to wear basic items.

  • Each person will have a unique capsule wardrobe that reflects their personal preferences and lifestyle, which makes creating a capsule wardrobe more interesting and diverse.

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