Thank You

Thank You
Just a quick note on here to thank you for your thousands of messages, texts, DMs, phone calls, everything. I basically hid from my everything all weekend (including my phone) but couldn’t even believe the outpouring of love when I started to look at it the past hour.
Just a couple weeks back, I shared that I was pregnant. Last week, we lost our baby halfway through the pregnancy (and found out she was a girl) and it has been the worst days of my life. It’s incomprehensible, confusing, unfair, and sad. I haven’t even begun to process it as I’ve just been living through a physical hell these past few days and the toll that it’s taken on my body has been excruciating. Emotionally, I’m either hysterical or a shell. I’m not ready to talk in depth about it–I’m not sure if I’ll ever get there, honestly.
I will get through this; my family will get through this. Life keeps moving whether we like it or not. As I mentioned on instagram, you will see regularly scheduled content on my platforms. Please bear with me as you watch me resume my normal life of sharing outfits, updates on One/Third, #shopyourclosetseries and all the light stuff I talk about on here. It’s going to be tough to get back into the swing of things but it’s necessary. Sadly, I am no stranger to loss and it hurts (like hell), but suffering is part of life. It doesn’t make it any easier but it’s something we all go through.
Thank you, again for your support. This community has stood by me through some dark times and I feel fortunate to have an outlet.
I’m really sorry for you. All the best to you <3
xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Thank you, Rena. x
My prayers are with you. Sending love and peace your way.
Love ,
Teresa Riccobono
Thank you so much, Teresa. x
Sending you so much love, Anna. Here for you…
Thank you so much, Jenn. x
I wish so badly that I could write something that will brighten your day. A follower is out here in SoCal sending strength and hugs.
Thank you, Brooke. Really really appreciate your thoughtful words.
I’m so very sorry, Anna. You’ve been on my mind these last few days. Sending love and strength your way.
Thank you so much, Gianna. We’ll make it through…one day at a time.
Sending lots of love and peace to you and your family, Anna. ????
Thank you for thinking of me, Sasha. x
I woke up Sunday morning so heartbroken about your loss. My sister lost her baby girl at 25 weeks and it was devastating. I don’t know you, but I will I could just wrap you up and in a big hug. I’m so incredibly sorry. Keeping you and my family in my prayers.
It’s devastating–I’m so sorry for your sister. I know I’ll get through this, I just think it’ll take longer than I’m hoping.
I’m so sorry Anna. I was thinking about you all weekend and send love and healing your way.
Thank you so much, Lauren x
I’ve been thinking of you since you shared last week. My heart breaks for you and the heartache you’ve suffered over the past few months. I am so so sorry and wish there was something or some way to make it all better.
Thank you, Hannah – feels unfair but I know we will get through this. Thanks for your note.
Longtime lurker here, just wanted to comment to say that I’m so sorry. You are in my thoughts and I’m sending you and your family my love.
Thank you, Jamie. Really appreciate it.
This is awful. Your words here are so strong and brave. I’ve had pregnancy loss but not like this. I cannot even imagine. Sending you love and strength. Brighter days are ahead again.
Thank you, Allison. I’ll get there, just might take awhile.
Sending you prayers, love and healing. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Thank you, Tricia – I need it! x
I am so sorry, I cannot even imagine what you must be feeling. I love your try ons and all of the content you share and will try and support you anyway that I can from afar!
Thank you, Emily–means so much.
I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for opening up your heart and sharing so much more than your closet. I hope the support and love you are receiving from all your readers is really lifting you up. xo
Thank you, Abby–much appreciated.
I am terribly sorry to hear this. Wishing you peace and healing.
Thank you, Laura.
just sending love and prayers…
Thanks for thinking of me. x
Sending love from New Zealand, Anna.
Thank you, Jody x
So very sorry to read about your loss. I have had 7 pregnancy’s that did not grow to term. I just welcomed a baby girl this past July on my 8th attempt! Feel free to reach out to me any time. I had a wonderful team of doctors who put me on a blood thinner and a baby aspirin on this pregnancy. Happy to discuss with you any time.
Ugh, I am so sorry for your losses–I’m sure that was so difficult to go through. Congrats on your baby girl–I’m so happy for you. (And I have been on baby aspirin since college and also take it during pregnancy–I actually have a blood clotting disorder that has never caused any issues but found out I had it when my sister had a couple miscarriages in a row.) xx
I’ve followed you since 2010 and your blog got me through some tough times during my divorce. Yes there are a lot of dark and painful things that happen but you’ve fostered a community that isn’t afraid to talk about the pain and also encourages us all to lend a hand when others are suffering. My thoughts go out to you and your family. I’m so sorry you’re suffering. You’re so resilient and strong, life does go on, and I am rooting for you.
Thank you so much, Jamie. Like you and so many other strong women, I will get through this. …even if it seems so far away from right now. Your kind words mean a lot! x
As someone who has also suffered pregnancy loss, I’m sending you love and support from across the Internet. Just know that all of those feelings are valid and that right now, you just need to be kind to yourself, in whatever form that takes for you. I know you’ve dealt with grief before, but I know that for me, one of the biggest shocks of the experience is that the grieving process is so unexpected and certainly not linear. So in whatever form it takes, on any given day, hour, or minute, it’s OK. XOXO
I have been following your blog for years and am a huge fan. I also suffered a stillbirth of a daughter and have spoken with many people about it. I’m on the other side now…my son, my subsequent daughter, my family, and my job (as an attorney for a large non-profit) got me through, but there are still days when it’s really hard. I found a lot of solace in speaking with people who had been through this — none of whom I knew! — so let me know if you ever want to talk.
Oh and one more thing: if you can find a psychologist in your area who specializes in pregnancy and infant loss, mine has really saved me (maybe outsource this search to a family member or friend as I’m sure you have few resources right now). After our daughter died, at 40 weeks, I saw our psychologist 2-3 times a week. Now I only see her once in a while but she still really helps me sort through my grief and understand my brain. She was also critical to getting me through my subsequent pregnancy.
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