My Take: The Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer Review

The Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer Review
Like any beauty or skincare item, I can only give my own experience and we’re all so different that it will vary from person to person. I always thought the Dyson hair dryer was cool as it’s so powerful. When I received it as a gift for Mother’s Day I was like, alright let’s put this baby to the test! First, let me give you a little background on my hair first. I have fine hair, but lots of it. It’s naturally super straight–I’m talking zero wave. And lastly, my hair gets greasy pretty easily, especially at the roots. My ends can get dry due to coloring (but I only highlight it four times a year)
I have never been an “expensive” hair dryer kind of gal. I always used whatever was available just fine because my hair is pretty fine and tends to dry quickly. Old school hair dryers would burn my hair a bit, though, and I definitely didn’t like that. On the flip side, I never liked the heavy, salon tourmaline hair dryers–I always felt like they made my hair extra tangly if I was doing it myself.
So, what do I think of it? Let’s do this.

- Lightweight – it’s heavy duty but actually quite light (under 2 lbs). Was totally expecting it to be heavy and it’s not!
- Surprisingly quiet – I was shocked! But I also use it on the lowest setting so take that into consideration.
- Doesn’t burn your hair--it’s more like a super powerful fan. Again, I use it on the lowest power AND heat setting.
- Quick dry – Seriously dries your hair in record time (takes my 10 minutes to dry my hair fully)
- Shinier hair – I can’t speak to the frizz factor as my hair doesn’t get frizzy, but it does give it a nice shine because the high heat can dull the hair.
- Accessories – it comes with a few magnetic attachment nozzles, which are genius (I normally don’t use one but have used the styling concentrator a few times. I’m interested in trying out the gentle attachment, too!)
- 2 year warranty – Be sure to register your product!
- Style lasts longer – A pleasant side effect I found when using the Dyson Hair Dryer is that I don’t have to wash my hair as often! I am NOT one of those women who can go a week without washing my hair–it gets too greasy. I had gotten on a good schedule of an every other day hair wash (and the second day was usually up in a bun) but for some reason, when I dry with the Dyson (and curl a little with a curling iron), my hair can last DAYS and still look good. This is not normal hair behavior for me..and I love it. AND I WILL TAKE IT.
- Price – at $399 it’s actually sort of nauseating how expensive it is. But if you’re someone who spends money on blowouts or is looking for a powerful hair dryer that won’t fry your hair AND will last, it’s worth a pretty penny!
- Adjustment period – this hair dryer is so powerful that it’s overwhelming at first. It took me a bit to get used to it so it didn’t blow my hair everywhere into a tangled mess. You find your groove, though. My personal setting is lowest speed, lowest heat. (And it still dries in record time!). I also don’t need to flip my hair upside down to dry for extra volume anymore (that makes it blow around too much).
- Power cord – a weird con, but it’s SO clunky and heavy that it’s enough to annoy me, ha.
I asked on IG stories what YOUR questions were, so here are the most common questions!
Q: Does it ever go on sale?
A. Rarely, it seems. I have seen it go on sale for Amazon Prime Day (coming in the fall) and maybe it’ll be a part of Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale? You can also buy a refurbished one on Dyson’s online outlet or on eBay. At Sephora they seem to offer a more lucrative bundle, too.
Q. I heard it dries out your hair and makes it frizzy – is that true?
A. I have never had frizzy hair, however, I can say it does NOT make my hair frizzy–quite the opposite. Also, as I mentioned, I have pretty greasy hair so it doesn’t dry it out. It helps keep my style longer without washing, if anything!
Q. Does it burn your scalp?
A. My old hair dryers (random Revlon) did burn my scalp. You know that hair burning smell? That doesn’t happen with the Dyson. Hotel hair dryers ALWAYS burned me. This hair dryer does not burn you. I keep the heat on the lowest setting, but I’d say the drying technology comes more from the motor than anything–not direct heat. My old hair dryers, I would use low or medium heat (high heat would literally set you aflame) but the most powerful setting to get it dry and it would legit fry my hair, but dry it the fastest.
Q. Is it TRULY worth it?
A. I’m not sure I can answer that question for you–it depends on YOUR hair and how you use it! The reviews overall are super positive; of course, there will always be dissent and those whom it didn’t quite work. But overall, it is pretty awesome in terms of drying power and speed. I also love the shiny factory (I would say smooth, but my hair is already very smooth due to it being stick straight).
What I’ve most been impressed with is the fact that my hair style seems to last longer, which means less washing, which really does save your hair scalp from damage. At first, when I was trying to figure out what setting and heat to use, I was kind of like, “is this it?” But it’s not a typical hair dryer and there’s definitely a learning curve. It’s like a good mattress–you need to sleep on it for a couple weeks to realize that it might be what you needed all along.
I received the Dyson as a gift during the pandemic, when I’m not really going out much, and thus not styling my hair as often. But I love that when I use it, it dries my hair so quickly. I figured out how to dry my hair without it blowing everywhere (and therefore, making it tangly). I only sometimes use the attachments. So, it’s tough to say whether or not it would be worth it for YOU. But as someone who has never bought a super nice hair dryer, I’m pretty impressed.
I think it’d be great for someone who wants their hair style to last awhile without washing.
Or for someone who is sick of getting their hair burned by their current dryer. Or maybe for someone who has really thick hair and is tired of blow drying their hair for 45 minutes. It depends on what that time is worth to you! I personally hope this baby lasts me a decade (and I kind of think it will).
I got mine a few years on QVC when they had their 5 easy pay where they stretch out your payment to 5 month. Otherwise I wouldn’t have purchased it. I don’t even blow dry my hair! But I use it on my girls sometimes and have guests have a go with it, which they love.
My husband got me one for Christmas which was weird since I have a short pixie cut. My 3 minute blow dry went to about 90 seconds. Other than that, not impressed for the price. After 4 months between cuts (#covid) I am letting it grow and am more impressed since it has been years since I had to really style my hair. I’m liking the results so far but jury is still out on the cost/ benefit
I did a graduated payment plan cuz of expense of Dyson. My hair is long and very thick, & healthy. I’ve nipped anout 4 in. off but it’s “a lot of trouble” being this thick & jlsimply grown out, sans style. I’d worn a long shag for yrs that folks ultimately forgot how ylto cut. When I grew it out long after chemo from a small amt of breast cancer wiped out my hair, it was still very thick grown out. I can’t figure out the Dyson. It immediately GREATLY tangles my poor hair on any setting, so I’ll have to experiment A LOT. I’ve literally had to gingerly attempt, working from bottom up on each hair secyion after drying, to untangle my thick hair without tearing it to pieces off of my brush. I’m disappointed, as it was replacing a hair dryer which on “cool” was warm, on “warm” was hot, and on “hot” might as well have been an open flame. I almost want to ask a beauty school here (!) to have students teach me how to use the thing, and they charge so little, as etudents ~ I’ll keep working on it, cuz the darm thing’s expensive, tho Dyson’s s’posed to be so good…and was to have been an improvement. My hair still being so thick and long (barely touches bra strap in back) in my early 70’s is kind of a pain. But cutting it would require regular salon visits, which I can’t afford, & would regret. Learning how to fix long hair various “air dry” ways, mainly ~ would help a lot. 🙂 I havent done that yet, tho. Messing lots with hair encourages way too much vanity in me, & takes up way too much time lately … it’s a catch-22, dang nab it! 🙂