My First Botox Experience – Q&A

My First Time Getting Botox
Why did I get Botox?
Oh, just a myriad of reasons: curiosity, getting older, starting to notice some lines, feeling like 2020 aged me to the nth degree, done having kids and wanting to feel a little refreshed after a stressful 2019 and 2020. I fought against the current for awhile; I have a regimented skincare routine, I don’t smoke, I wear sunscreen, I workout, I’m an occasional drinker–so, overall I take pretty good care of my body. BUT I feel like there’s so much societal pressure to look as young as possible. I’m on team “let’s age gracefully” for sure, but that’s easy to say when you’re 25 and have a baby face.
I went into this knowing I’d come out looking like myself but wanted to look a little refreshed. I didn’t want anyone to be like “ooooh, you got Botox!” More like, “oooh, you look well-rested” (….I’m not). I mean, if you have followed along for awhile, you probably understand my style a bit; I am into a natural and classic aesthetic and I don’t like to be overdone… Also, I don’t even wear foundation, for goodness sake! So, I have no interest in a frozen face–I still want to be able to express myself and I’m ok with getting older–I’d just like to ease into the process.
Where did I get it and how did you find them?
I went to The Fitz in Old Town, Chicago. When I first started exploring Botox, I checked in with people I knew, read reviews, looked at social media, everything! And then I went in for a consult tot have all my questions answered. Suzie, co-founder of The Fitz, answered all my questions and made me feel really comfortable about everything. She did my injections but i have no doubt that anyone at The Fitz is totally trustworthy. (Check out The Fitz’s instagram and Suzie’s instagram–lots of great before/afters and knowledge.)
And while I have friends that go to The Fitz, I have other friends who love their other injectors as well! Although I’m a newbie to this world, it’s so important to feel comfortable where you’re going. Ask around (you’ll probably be surprised at how many of your friends actually get it done…I was, ha!)
Can you get Botox while breastfeeding?
This sis a hot topic. Suzie wouldn’t do it while I was breastfeeding but I’ve heard some people will! I personally wanted to wait until I was donee breastfeeding, regardless of the injector’s policy.
Does it hurt? (I hate needles!)
I’ve had a lot of blood drawn in my life (particularly with my last pregnancy, it was every two weeks) and I can never look, even if it’s just a little pinch. But I’ll admit, I was pretty nervous about needles near my face. I swear on everything holy, it DOESS NOT HURT. Not even a little. You barely feel it. I didn’t even wince. Some places you feel more than others, but pain is not a factor here. And just for the record, I’m not one of those people who are like “Brazilian waxes don’t hurt!”…because, yes they do.
How many units did you use?
35 total. Please see the above map, but here’s a breakdown of where I did it:
- Eyebrow “lift” to lift droopy brows (injections were above the brow bone)
- 11’s and frown lines
- Forehead creases
- Smile lift (sides of mouth to help me look not so “frowny”)
How much did it cost?
This varies by injector but Suzie at The Fitz charges $14/unit. Total cost was $490. The Fitz runs specials, though, so check it out!
Is preventative Botox really a thing?
I think so, as long as you don’t overdue it! It softens lines and because they get deeper with age, occasional Botox can help keep deep lines at bay. Of course, there’s always too much of a good thing. If you get too frozen, it could weaken the muscles which makes them appear looser. I can still move my forehead and make expressions and that’s always going to be my goal in the future. (And again, I’m ok with wrinkles–they’re inevitable! But I wouldn’t mind softening them.)
Any side effects?
I had a very mild headache for a couple hours the evening after the injections, but that’ sit. I didn’t take anything for it and it went away quickly. It’s a weird sensation as it settles in–my forehead started to feel a little heavy (but I still have expression!) but I quickly got used to it.
How long will it last and how often will you do it?
Totally depends on the person and how fast you metabolize it! But, I plan on erring on the more conservative side. Two weeks after your appointment is when your Botox is the strongest and it slowly fades from that point. I’m almost 8 weeks out and I still think it feels and looks fresh.
I stretch out my highlights and haircut appointments as long as possible and I foresee myself doing the asme thing here. Most people get it done 3-4 times a year, though! I am treating this as a ‘nice to have’ and not an essential. I plan on doing it again but we shall see when! My first appointment was early May and it’ almost July and still looks great, in my opinion.
Stay tuned as I’d love to keep this journey going! Any other questions I didn’t answer?

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