Before and After: I Finally Picked a Stair Runner
If you’ve been reading my blog or watching my instagram stories for awhile, you know how I was completely crippled with indecision over choosing a stair runner. I’ve been hemming and hawing over choices for years–yes, that’s plural. It seemed like such a huge and permanent choice; when you open our front door, the first thing you see is our stairs. I also didn’t want it competing with the dining room and living rooms, which both flank the entryway. I didn’t want something that was too loud because I was afraid I’d tire of it; but I didn’t want anything too basic either.
Before and After: I Finally Picked a Stair Runner
Well, luckily my friends over at The Finish were probably annoyed enough about me talking about it that they decided to reach out and offer their services and I’m so glad that they did. They were able to hook me up with local companies that install stair runners AND provide me with a rendering to show me how it would look (that was the most important part to me). All in all, I am so happy with the decision I made with the help of The Finish and Rouzati Rugs, which provided the runner. And I’m here to spill the details!
Why did you want a stair runner?
A few reasons: our beautiful hardwood stairs are slippery for my little kids. Also, our home is nearly 100 years old and the stairs really soften the creaks. Now my kids don’t immediately wake up when they hear Dad walk up the stairs after a workout at 6am (ha!). Lastly, I just love how stair runners look. They add a little warmth and depth to the home and I think they just look luxe and beautiful.
Would you pick neutral or trendy?
I really was leaning towards the on-trend navy antelope look and I STILL love it (check out Lows to Luxe–she has an old home with a beige antelope runner, too and it looks incredible) but the more I saw it, the more I decided against it. Also, I wanted it to blend seamlessly with our vintage-looking rugs. I opted for safe and neutral, but not boring. You’ve gotta go with your gut and with what will make you happy!
What did The Finish do?
They brought over samples and I was able to talk through the choices. I liked having an objective opinion, too. And once we decided that we’d work with Rouzati Rugs in Wilmette, they kept the communication going to get it installed. I appreciated the hand holding from start to finish (pun intended). They did gift me this consultation and 10 hours of design work but all opinions are my own as I was not obligated to share any of this in a blog post.
I would say that the rendering was probably the most helpful, as was the vendor curation. I’d still be spinning my wheels if it wasn’t for them! (More on The Finish: They recently launched in Chicago and are in many cities throughout the US. The Finish provides interior design when you need it, by the hour, and can take on a project as small as picking out a paint color and styling your bookshelves or as large as a full room makeover.) They gave me a code to share, too: SEEANNAJANE for 25% off initial consultation
What is the runner called?
It’s from Rouzati Rugs in Wilmette but if you aren’t local, you can most likely find it; it’s the Canterbury style in BISQUE. HIGHLY recommend as it’s wool and looks and feels beautiful. It’s so classic and I couldn’t be happier. It’s easy to sweep and doesn’t shed much either. My youngest dropped a goldfish cracker on it and squished down on it and it came right out, too (phew).
How much was it?
It will depend on your stairs but all in was a little over $3000. Rouzati Rugs was actually less expensive than the other company I was considering and the Canterbury style was most expensive out of the styles I was considering. I thought it was the best value given how nice the rug was! Rouzati’s installation and labor is much less expensive than competitors and they went above and beyond in terms of service.
They customized the beige cotton banding on the edge for me (it’s 1/2 inch) and kept sending over samples until I was happy. I cannot recommend Rouzati Rugs enough and when I mentioned them on instagram stories, so many local people DMed me that they are, indeed, the best and will even bring area rugs over to you to try out before you commit.
A quick google search or glance at Next Door will tell you the same; Rouzati Rugs reviews are all top notch. I don’t need any more rugs in my home at the time, but I might re-carpet our attic and will definitely use them just because they were such gems during this experience. Tell them Anna sent you! (No, I don’t get a kickback–just want to support them because they’re awesome.)
Are you happy?
YES YES YES YES! I’m glad it took me so long to get my act together so I could work with the Finish and discover Rouzati in the process!